the portfolio of



specialty HTML, CSS, TypeScript, JavaScript, Reactjs/Next.js, Redux/Redux-toolkit, Tailwind and Bootstrap, Git, Github amongst others...


I'm a frontend developer with versatilities in technologies ranging from basic HTML to modern technologies like TypeScript and Nextjs. I also have a background as a technical writer, hence a strong foundation in coding and technical communication. I am committed to continuing to develop my skills and expertise in these areas, and to make a meaningful contribution to the success of any organisations I work with.


The following are some of my portfolio explorations. Each project card contains details of its features and tech stack utilized.

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A web app that allows users to easily explore a database of countries displayed on their screens from an API.

The tech stack used for this project: Next.js, JavaScript, Framer Motion, React Bootstrap, and CSS.


I am particularly interested in using modern JavaScript libraries such as React and Vue.js to build performant, interactive user interfaces. I am actively involved in the open source community and have contributed to several projects on GitHub, such as Formbricks.

In my free time, I enjoy exploring coding challenges and staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices in frontend development. I have a particular interest in using modern JavaScript libraries such as React/Nextjs to build performant, interactive user interfaces, and I am always looking for new ways to improve my skills and learn from others in the field. I also have a strong foundation in data structures and algorithms, and enjoy exploring ways to use these concepts to solve complex problems in a efficient and scalable way.

I am always interested in discussing new opportunities and projects.
You have a question or would like to work with me?

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